
Heylen Warehouses
mei 7, 2019
september 11, 2018


"We constantly strive to bring value proposition to our clients by developing and investing in a sustainable way, both from an environmental as well as a cost optimization perspective for the mid- and long term. This is also one of the reasons why Hillwood have invested in the Lenflex dock bumper which will bring value to the end-user, environment and Hillwood. Although there is a slightly higher initial Capex compared to the regular standard dock bumper, on the mid-long term all stakeholders are gaining, the tenant of the logistics property due to less repairs and downtime of the dock bumpers, Hillwood as owner and investor of the logistics property and in the end a lower environmental exposure. "

Hubert Michalek | Managing Director | CEE Hillwood Polska sp.z.o.o.


"Aantal geïnstalleerde docks: Voor de nieuwbouw zal Lenflex in totaal 31 docks gaan voorzien van de LENFLEX dock bumper. Daarnaast zullen alle laad docks van de bestaande bouw op termijn worden vervangen door de LENFLEX dock bumper, in totaal bijna 60 laad docks."