
Euro Pool System is a market leader in the field of reusable packaging in the European fresh supply chain. Our reusable trays are the standard in the chain for fresh and packaged foods. Every day producers, transporters, processing companies and retailers profit from the advantages of our products. Moreover, we are constantly working towards further standardisation and integration of our solutions within the logistics process of our customers."
(bron: www.europoolsystem.com/nl/)
Aantal geplaatste dockbuffers
We had many problems with the standard dock bumpers which are standard mounted on the loading docks. Mainly during the docking process of the trailer to the loading dock and during the loading / off-loading is resulting that the vertical movement of the trailer the standard dock bumper severe damages. Since 2013 we are using the Lenflex dock bumper and we are extremely pleased with the Lenflex dock bumper. The return on investment is less then two years with an intensive usage of the dock bumpers. According to Leo Smedts is it therefore a “must” that investors should invest upfront in sustainable solutions in their logistics and industrial property like the Lenflex dock bumper.